Marie Claire Fresh

Cranston, Michele

ISBN: 1740451953

Publisher: Murdoch Books

Maire Claire have produced an excellent selection of cookbooks and this one follows on the tradition. This is a colourful fun seasonal cookbook with plenty of exciting modern recipes that entice you into the kitchen. The book takes you through the seasons from fresh summer fruits and light salads to warm comforting stews and puddings. Recipes are undaunting, clear and very easy to follow and each section includes lots of quick recipes for those pushed for time. Dishes for summer include Tamarind and Squid Salad, and White Peach Ice-Cream, and in colder winter months Herbed Chicken in Paper on Buttered Risoni, and warming Sausage and Bean Stew along with meny other delicious recipes.

Michele's cooking is refreshingly modern with plenty of flavours and colour. A lighthearted and enjoyable cookbook with plenty of great seasonal ideas for when stuck on what to cook.