Rôtis: Roasts for everyday of the week

Reynaud, Stéphane

ISBN: 9781741965377

Publisher: Murdoch Books Pty Ltd

Stéphane Reynaud is well known for his previous books Pork and Sons (my favourite, an amazing collection of recipes based purely on pork) and the highly acclaimed Ripailles (an unusually fun répertoire of French cuisine). In Rôtis he brings together a fabulous selection of the world renowned roast.

This book is no encyclopedia of roasts instead it takes on instead a refreshingly light hearted approach to this favourite meal. There is no heavy long winded introduction, just a couple of pages of photographed step by step guides on how to tie beef and chicken and then straight into the important part of the book, the recipes. Be it pot roasted or oven roasted Stéphane Reynaud offers a roast for everyday of the week. Lundi: De Boeuf (Monday: Beef), Mardi: De Veau (Tuesday: Veal), Mercredi: De Volaille (Wednesday: Chicken and Game), Jeudi De Cochon (Thursday: Pork), Vendredi: Poisson (Friday: Fish), Samedi: Agneau (Saturday: Lamb) and Dimanche Midi: De Gibier (Sunday Lunch: Game) and the pièce de résistance Dimanche Soir: il en Reste (Sunday Evening: is all the rest/leftovers). The chapters include the basic sauces, stuffings and ideas relative to the meat and the last chapter of the book offers a selection of seasonal accompaniments to the roast. Each roast is originally presented with a simple and clear to follow recipe accompanied by an enticing photo of the dish (a style that Stéphane Reynaud pulls off magnificently). Of course many of you I'm sure have your own recipe for a great roast dinner but why get stuck in a rut? This book brings together plenty of traditional French recipes along with modern ones, a great way to further your roast répertoire. Just to include a few of my favourite recipes: Roast Chicken Thighs with Fruit and Nut Stuffing, Roast Pork Lion with Bacon and Cheese, Roast Duck with Sugared Almonds, Roast Salmon with Fresh Herbs, 7 Hour Roast Lamb, Fillet of Wild Boar with Bilberries, and from the leftovers Thia Style Beef Croquettes.

I absolutely love this book it is quirky, fun, and rustic. In Rôtis Stéphane Reynaud has created a pure and simple cookbook that will give plenty of pleasure for years to come.