Map of on-line users

Accessing The Map

Map of Recipe Readers

Adding to your Google Maps® list

If you have a Google account, all you need to do to add our Recipe Map to your list in 'My Maps' is to click on the Add Recipe Map link, here.

Once you have added the Map to 'My Maps' at Google Maps®, just go to click on Google Maps®.

Look without a Google Account

To just have a look without adding to 'My Maps' access the list, please go to Google Maps page. The Bare Ingredients' Recipe Map can be found in the 'My Maps' section.

How to use the map

Our foodie map is a fun way to see what recipes are been read around the world. The click on the pins to display a list of recipes been read within the area. Now, you can see what people are reading on our site, and being a Google Map®, you can zoom in on any area. to get a close look.

* The mapped points won't reveal any personal details about you. The system does not store the mapping data, which expires after 24 hours from your last request. Don't respond to any Emails claiming to have got details from our site. We don't give Email addresses out under any circumstances, and will only Email you if you specifically requested us to contact you.

* For those technically minded, not all users will appear on the list, as we restrict the number of points we display. Only the last five recipes are displayed. Also, we are using Google Maps® as the number of visitors can be over 15,000 per day.