Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food

Gordon Ramsay

ISBN: 9781844004539

Publisher: Quadrille Publishing Limited

It is a sad fact of life, that to many of us don't put the time in to cook our own food. It is easy to blame the modern, hetic lifestyle for the growth in the 'Take-out' culture. It is a sad fact that is more likely that the education systems fail to teach Home Science to any great degree that has contributed to the growth in sales in pre-pakaged food and take-away meals. Afterall, if you have no basis in cookery skills, any attempt to cook for yourself is likely to less appertising than those tasty little prepacked meals that you heat in the microwave.

Tired of hearing the excuse 'lack of time' for not cooking, Gordon Ramsay has put together over a 100 recipes that are really fast and easy to prepare. A majority of the recipes should take only 15 minutes from start to finish, and none should take over half an hour. The recipes are also ease to prepare. You won't be confused with tricky sauces or with complex instructions. Gordon Ramsay has captured the essecence of everyday home cooking, be it a quick meal for one or an improptude party, these recipes are tasty, easy to prepare and fun to cook.

With a great selection of ideas and menu suggestions this cookbook provides plenty of inspiration whatever the meal, be it a quick sandwich, a Morrocan Meal or a Drinks Party. From, Poached Duck Egg with Anchovy Fingers, and Beef Fajitas, to a Thai Red Lobster Curry, recipes couldn't be more varied. This is a colourful book with plenty of photos, user friendly recipes and lots of cooking tips. To sum up, with this book at hand cooking and preparing good food will be a breeze.