Potted Shrimps

Potted shrimps make a fabulous starter, simple but scrumptious. You will find countless variations to this recipe. I like the addition of anchovies and garlic to the recipe as they both add a little depth to dish but of course you could always exclude them if you like, dependent on taste. You will need peeled brown shrimps due to increased popularity can be find in good supermarkets and fishmongers.


  • 2 anchovy fillets, finely chopped
  • generous pinch ground mace
  • pinch of ground white pepper
  • 1 small garlic clove, finely crushed
  • 180g peeled brown shrimps
  • 150g clarrified butter
  • zest amd juice of 1/4 lemon


  1. Melt 90g of clarrified butter in a saucepan over a moderate heat. When melted to stir in the anchovies, mace, pepper and garlic, leave on low simmer for 30 seconds. Stir in the prawns and simmer over a low heat for 1-2 minutes.Remove from the heat and stir in lemon zest and juice.
  2. Evenly distibute the shrimps among 4 ramekins, pressing the shrimps down firmly with the back of a wooden spoon. Melt remaining butter and pour over the top to cover shrimps. Cover and place in the fridge to set. The potted shrimps are best left for a few hours before serving.
  3. To Serve: Serve at room temperature in the ramekins or place the ramekins in a little hot water and turn out onto serving plates, accompanied by quartered slices of unbuttered brown bread and wedge of lemon.